Monday 12 November 2012

Game Timeline

Art In Games Task

- Heavy Rain
- La Noir
- Crysis

Crysis 2 is (in my opinion) one of  the most detailed and most photo realistic game at this moment in time.
Everything that you see in the game crysis look so realist, almost like it had been filmed or even photographed, while playing the game you come across even more that is real, one good one is water and the way that it splashes when you walk acorss it or even swim in it. Another big one is the way that plants move around you rather then through you like in other games, this gives a more realist atmosphere making you feel more involed in the game and making you feel like you are actually in the game, the physics of the game are also extrodinary, the way that building crash and barrels roll, gives the game it unquie and realist design techinque. Compared to some other games like battlefield 3 the game really does out do itself in the grahpics and pysics department which really makes it such a good game to paly.

Realism is where a world look realist, as though you are there, as though you are seeing the world through a window or a helmet. Realism is one of the most popular genres to put games into this is because people want to have a game where they actually feel like they are playing for real, like they are actually in the game. Realism has been round for many years, in photograph and especially paintings (before modern art) and this has brought on some very famous artists such as Di Vinci with his Mono Lisa. Realism uses expersions and movement to make the subject have more life, these thing would give the character more emotion giving across a more realsit point of view.

Cell Shading
- Boarderlands
- Afro Samurai
- Battlefield Heroes

Boarderlands has to be the most famous game for cell shading and is the most reconizable at this time. Cell shading is where the game used lines to theyir entent where a line isnt thing and unseeable like in a game such as crysis but is more potant and seeable from a long way off, this give the game a very cartoony effect yo the game making them somewhat more friendly and make you feel more relaxed while in the environment, and this would be used on more childish games but boarderland has taken it a put it into a shooter game which you wouldnt really see and I think this is what makes the game very successful.

Pop Art

Popart was something strange that just suddenly happened in the art world, where the artist defied what art trally was and came up with the idea that it should all be brightly colour and unusal, in the sense that you would print the same pciture multipply time and then take the image filling the foreground image with one colour and the background with another, and do this repeativly and then take all the image and place them together, another idea from a different artist was the idea of turning paintings into comic book style and adding a speach to them, and this really started to kick off and vecame really popular, and many years later this art idea would spread to games.

Cyber Punk
- Deus Ex
- System Shock
- Metal Gear Solid

Deus Ex is a cyberpunk game, and is quite an old but popular game but uses quite an unsal style which all game from a book names cyberpunk, this style was adpated and but into its own way, and became its own genre. Cyberpunk is where everything is macanichel and the world relys and machiences this could be the human body being more adanvanced and even become a cyborg. The style of cyberpunk us very dark, most things will be of a black or grey nature but they will have something that defines them, may that be some bright colour in their hair or a small light coming from their eyes or other body feautres. Cyberpunk hasnt been used quite a lot but has the potential to have many different stlyes within itself and isnt really ristricted.

Art Deco

Art Deco is a very Artistic style it shows of the slightistic of details like shading and colours, this style is a very interesting one, i really like this style because it really shows of the shading and i feel that it is what art is all about and i feel that most games should be designed around this

- Bioshock
- Final Fantasy
- American McGee's Alice

Bioshock, one of the most reconizable game names in history, and this doesnt just come from the amazing story line but from the style of the game itself, Bioshock uses the style of steampunk, which is the use of macanical things that would run off steam or are made from scrap, this can really be seen in the game when yuo see a big daddy, a man made if metal and cloth (a diving suit) and the weapon that are made from chairs, this really gave bioshock its amazing look and really had the audience going, steampunk wasnt really so reconizable to many people and only started to become more reconziable when the game was realsied, this took the game market by storm and start to influence other games and also influenced and sequal tot the game.

Surrealism is where a certain thing uses things that are real, like watches or the human face and transforms them into something that is out of the ordinary, some that looks really but not real at the same time and this is known as surrealism, surrealism has been around not that long and only start a couple of years ago.

- McPixel
- Sonic
- Minecraft

Of course we all know of the pixels and how they were used a lot in early games, when games frist started coming out they were all in the pixel form, this ranged between many games such as the very first sonic the hedgehod to mega, but as time went on so did the grapics and many game developers decided that they would head away from the idea of pixels and make the game more realist, but some decided that they want to stay this way and develop some games, the main game that almost everyone has heard about is the game minecraft, this game uses the pixel art scheme but makes it 3D, the pizels really make the game have a friendly enbironment to it and this what makes the game very popular, it a game that anyone can play and have a good time.

Black and White
- Limbo
- Pokemon Red
- " Blue

We dont see a loy of black and white games anymore because they have become out of date and we only really saw them when a consel couldnt really hold the capacity to have colour such as the very frist gamebou and its pokemon games, but one game decided to give a game the black and white gaming style another game and this is where the game Limbo came from, Limbo is a game where you are walking the world as a little boy and you come across many challenges that test your skill, but the world isnt a really such a nice place, and by simple having the different shades of black and white it really starts to give the game a very scary atmosphere and make the player become more engrossed in the game, and become more scared of what lyes ahead.

- Gears Of War
- Final Fantasy
- Little Big Planet

This has become one of the biggest game idea that is around today, this is where it takes thing and basically oversizes them, so such as in the game Gear Of War where the mens bodys are the size of trees but their head is tiny, this should certain parts that the game desiger what the play to see and this could range from the strength of a person such as in gears of war or even how cool and awesome their weapons are which can be seen in the game final fantasy where litterally every monster you come across will be so deteail and also be three thousand times the size you are.