Tuesday 21 May 2013


Unreal Engine

The first appearance of this engine was in 1998 with the original Unreal engine, this included all the importing things such as rendering, collision detection, AI, networking file system, visibility and scripting all into this one engine, making it easier for game designers, this game engine was designed for Direct3D.
The newest of the unreal engines, called Unreal Engine 3, this engine started to be boosted up so that it could be run on consoles such as the Xbox 360 and the PS3 and even getting boosted so that it could be run on iOS, the biggest update of this would be the graphics that it could produce and the effect that were given.
Unreal engine is a engine that is growing in popularity, this is due to the fact of the rising number of games that have been created using it and the ever updating of the engine. The two games that I think that really should be compared to each other out of all the Unreal games is Unreal Tournament (1999) and Unreal Tournament 2004. I thought that these would be the two best games to compare because they are the same game but with a big year difference. As from the two pictures we can see the difference on how the engine has progressed in graphics, the very first game contained very boxy type looks object such as the weapons contained within the game, now compared to the graphics in the 2004 verison of the game, the textures are a lot more life like and more rounded and sharp where they are needed and should be needed, one big change that we can see in both of the image is the armour change, we can see in the old engine the armour was very triangular and seemed to model into the characters body, now compared to the new engine, we can see that the armour looks detected from the character and looks like that they had to put on the armour rather than being modelled to them.

Cry Engine

Cry Engine has to be one of the most popular engines out to this date this is because the engine always aims to go for the most realistic look as possible, and this what's makes them a very desirable engine with the that comes a very big price tag. For the comparing I will be using Farcry (Cryengine) and Crysis 3 (Cryengine 3) the oldest and the newest versions of the engine. Looking at these two games we can see the big difference in the graphics, the very first cry engine was at the point of were it was making one of its first games called far cry and this was a big success, and back then the graphics were really outstanding for its time, but compared to now everything has improve drastically, there has been massive improvements in everything one big thing that the cry engine has improve and has perfect quite well (for graphics at this time) is the partial system and environmental objects. As you can see in the picture above how the explosion throws debre everywhere and the explosion looks fantastic, it gives off a realistic effect rather than a cheap imported explosion which makes the game have more atmosphere, another this that they have nearly perfected the hardest thing to construct and create which is water, the water effect is really well done and look realistic and compared to the old water, it was a simple blue and very still, but now its clear flows.