Wednesday 31 October 2012

Game Engine

Assignment 1

A game engine is a creation that allows the Creator of a game have an easier opportunity to create there game easier and quicker. These engines contain engines within themselves to make working and creating a game even easier, this stop the old way of writing a script for everything, instead the script has already been pre-made for you, like such things as rendering engine for 2D and 3D graphics, physics engine/collision detection, sound, scripting, animation, A.I, networking, streaming, scene graphics and many more. These engines contain elements that are reusable, this is very useful for game designers that want to make a sequel/prequel to a game they would take the element that they have already created in the previous game, take the elements and important them into the new game, this saves a lot of time and helps them to produce the game and get it out on the market quicker.

2D Game Engines
Adventure Game Studio
Allegro library
Construct Classic

2D games have developed a lot over the past couple of years, the first ever games to come out were all in 2D and these were the most advance thing at the time, this contained game such as pac man and pong this required mouths of programming just to get a simple game, this was just consisted of just codings and no designing meaning that they didnt have the technology that we use today such as game engines, making it take a considerable amount of time to come out with a new game. To us now that is consider old and boring graphics and its all about 3D graphics now-a-days, but till this very day we still see 2D graphics everywhere, one famous game that is still 2D is the mobile game called Angry Birds, even though it is a simple game you can see how much the graphics has improved in the game, the items within the game such as the birds have clear colouring and are very smooth, comparing it back to early 2D game, the games were very blocked and made from cubes, making it look very tacky to todays standards.

2.5D Game Engines
Aleph One
Build engine
DimensioneX Multiplayer Engine
id Tech 1

2.5D graphics was the next big thing after 2D graphics this provided a 3D environment but 2D NPC/Characters, and this was the cheat way of producing a somewhat "Fake" 3D game and cutting corners to get the game produced and out fast. At the the time this was such a big development, one of the most famous game to use a 2.5D graphics was the game Doom, and this was also the start of the big Doom franchise which also later lead to the quake series..

3D Game Engines
id Tech 4
Irrlicht Engine

3D is the best graphics that we can produce in this moment in time, and even though that they have started out very standard, such as water being very motionless to now where water has an almost life like comparison. Everything has come very far since the very first game where we saw simple 2D graphics and to now where the technology gets better and the graphics improve by a lot each year, the more relaistic the game company can make the game the more people will by and the more the player starts to feel towards their character. And whats to say that 4D wont becoming along soon.

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