Thursday 3 October 2013

Unit 72 - Concept Art - Vehicles

Concept art is the basis of any game to this day, these are the starting designs for a verity of things that can be placed within the game such as vehicles, buildings and characters. Concept give the company something to play around with before they start to create a given object using 3DS Max, Mud Box or Z Brush as these sort of things take hours to create and to get to perfection. Concept are is a really important part of the game design industry, concept art is what any company/game needs in order to be able to start creating. This gives the person the chance to be creative and come up with a verity of different ways in which something could look.

But the artists needs to remember what they are making a certain thing for, such a thing would be making a game that was for children, they would need to keep the complexity of the shapes very simple and not have too much detail on the object such as colour. While a game for much older people would require more colour and shading not only that but a lot more complex design with small details being a big thing. But one thing any concept artist needs is the attention to detail and how things would work.

Concept art isn't just there for the designer to construct the models but it is also there to get investment into their game, as a starting (Especially for indie games) they need to create something that suits the audience that they are creating the game at, and the investor needs to agree with this choice.

I think that this is a very good concept page, especially displaying the environment that this certain vehicle is in and how it is raised above the ground. I would have to say that this certain piece is made for a much younger age of audience. I say this because of the very simple design of the vehicle and of the restraining station of which the ship is attached to. The colours of vehicle are very simple blue and yellow, this gives the younger audience something not as complicated to look at and find it easier to identify certain parts of the ship, not only that but they are very calm and relaxing colours giving off that this ship is maybe for for transporting something rather than being a battle fighter. I think that the most important thing about this certain ship is that it looks slightly like a train, and this sort of thing would really appeal to the younger audience and there attract the attention.

This is an amazing piece of concept, it's highly detailed and contains a lot of colours and items within it. I could say that this specific piece of art is aimed at the a lot older audience, I can tell this because firstly of the high detail that is within this piece, every rivet and scratch has been but into this, something this detailed would be too complex for the eye of the younger audience. The colour that is within this is quite complex as well, you can see this by the verity of colours with at certain point due to the shading of certain areas and the lighting placement, not only this colour but they have also included some rusting with their design. 

Overall I think that concept art is a very vital part of any game, it gives the developers a chance to experiment and get some funding for their projects. The concept artists has to remember what type of audience that they are trying to aim a certain piece at and how this would effect the way that they design the piece, if they fail to do so, they could loose out on a lot more.

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