Sunday 13 January 2013

My Character

Name: Unique Artificial Intelligence 

Alias: Uni

Age: 7 years (Time of development, wasnt finished)

Height: -

Weight: -

Sex: Male

Race: Robot (Unique A.I)

Eye Colour: Black Optic (Camera Lens)

Hair Colour: None (Doesnt have hair)

Eye wear: Camera lens and Shutter lens

Nationality: Earth

Skin Colour: Rusty metal/metal, but as he progress he becomes cleaner as he using other parts that he finds around the world to repair himself and things that stop him from rusting.

Shape Of Face: Circular 

Clothing: Metal/None, wears a blue bag on his back.


Habits: Always helps out when he can, curious of new things.

Health: Young but unfinished, this caused him to have an unfinished arm and head, also cause wires to be on display.

Hobbies: Reading, playing and exploring.

Saying: None, since he was unfinished he doesn't have a voice box.

Voice: None, his voice box wasn't made before the creator death.

Walking Style: Walks quite smoothly because he has a wheel, but this wheel can go flat causeing him to move slower.

Disabilities: Unfinished, so has quite a few. One of the main disabilities is that he has hiccups with his movement when his tyre, and would also cause my character to walk at a slower pace. 

Cannot speak since his voice box wasn't develop before the creator died. This only gives him the ability to contact through gestures.

Character's Greatest Flaw: Doesn't understand his meaning in life

Character's Best Quality: Very curious, and this will help him on his jounery to discovery and knowing the truth.

Social Characteristics

Hometown: Moscow

Current Residnece: No currect since he is travelling the world to find the truth of what happened to his master and what happened to the world.

Occupation: Truth Seeker

Income: None

Talents/Skills: Unreal knownlege.

Family Status: Has no family, except for his creator

Character as Child: The character as a child was very unbuilt, and require a lot of building but as a small creation his master told him of stories of unexplored worlds, and things beyond dreams.

Character as Adult: Has gained even more knowlege over the years.

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: He was taught by his creator, and as he progresses throughout the world he starts to learn more and more, from books, usb's, disks anything that he can gain access from.

Intelligence Level: Infinity

Goals: To find out what happened to his master and to find out what happened to earth and to fix it back to the way it was.

Self-esteem: Moderate

Confidence: Moderate

Emtional State: Moderate

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert 

Motivation: The death of his creator and the distruction of the world that he lives in.

Fear: That he will never discover his true meaning in life

Happiness: High

Relationships: His creator died while contrusting him, this was cause by the damaged that was cause to his body by the malfunction machinces on the streets of the earth and his lung was damaged by the poision gases released, this lead to the unfinished building of his body.

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: Hero

Evironment: A destroyed earth


2057 - Professor starts the business called "FISKITE". The business specifically in makes mediences for the treatment of all, animals and humans.

2063 - "FISKITE" starts to work in the development of robots, to make the daily human life easier, by doing all the essiancals such cooks and cleaning. Later develops will start to take control of human workings.

2065 - "FISKITE" are secretly employed by the Russia's Secret Revolution (RSR) to create robots for wars to take down the government. 

2067 - Later development of robots to take over human jobs sparks outrage with the human race causing unemployment and lose of homes. This causes attacks on "FISKITE" which end with the destruction of the buildings.

2071 - "RSR" release robots to over take government but the Russia's Human Liberation Army (RHLA) has already start and this causes a 3 way war 

2072 - "RSR" are mass produced and sold throughout the world as protection and revolutionary warfare.

2073 - Further revolutions take place throughout the world.

2077 - Robots start to learn by themselves and soon learn that they do not need to take orders and have a better survivability and firepower than the humans creating even more of a disruption throughout Russia and the world.

2080 - The earth to collapse and machines start to take over.

2080 - Machines start to kill off human race.

2080 - The Creator, also the head of "FISKITE" and the makers of the "RSR" Robot, starts to create Uni as the last hope for earth and its survivors.

2081 - Uni becomes activated and creator starts to teach uni everything he knows.

2082 - Creator disappears for a few days and comes back with server wounds, a few hours later he dies. Uni morns his creators death.

2082 - Uni starts his journey.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Trickster - GLaDOS

Name: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

Alias: GLaDOS

Age: 1986 - Development Start
         to Current Day

Height: -

Weight: -

Sex: Feminine programming

Race: AI Robot

Eye Colour: Yellow Optic

Hair Colour: No hair

Eye wear: Optical Lens

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: White and Black

Shape Of Face: 1/4 from Dougnut

Clothing: Metal

Mannerisms: Doesnt move like a normal robot, has more a muscle like movement.

Habits: Cleanliness

Health: Immortal
Hobbies: Testing subjects, creating new test arenas, killing test subjects, experiments

Saying: "We're a lot alike, you and I. You tested me. I tested you. You killed me. I—oh, no, wait. I guess I haven't killed you yet. Well. Food for thought."

"But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."

"Finish these tests, and you will be baked. And there will be cake."

Voice: Soft but serious. Electronical. Feminine.

Walking Style: Doesnt walk.

Disabilities: Cannot walk.

Character's Greatest Flaw: Unable to move because its attached to the ceiling 

Character's Best Quality: The roll of God within Aperture Science

Social Characteristics

Hometown: Michigan

Current Residnece: Michigan

Occupation: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. To test.

Income: Satifisfaction is all that is needed

Talents/Skills: Testing, Killing, Building

Family Status: Has no family, creator unknown

Character as Child: Had no childhood

Character as Adult: Supieriour testing machine

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Testing (Programmed into her)

Intelligence Level: Unknown but very high

Goals: Complete testing and beat Black Mesa in the race to create portals

Self-esteem: High Self-esteem

Confidence: Over confidence

Emtional State: No emotion

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert 

Motivation: Achieving her goal in the race to build portals, and finishing testing

Fear: That wheatly will destroy her testing facility

Happiness: Only when testing is complete

Relationships: ATLAS and P-Body, perminant test subjects

Spiritual Characteristics

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: Trickster

Evironment: Clean testing facility

Timeline: In 1986, word reaches Aperture Science management that Black Mesa is working on a similar portal technology. In response to this news, Aperture Science begins developing GLaDOS.

In 1996, after a decade spent bringing the Disk Operating System parts of GLaDOS to a state of more or less basic functionality, work begins on the Genetic Lifeform component. During that time, the Aperture Science Red Phone plan is implemented in case GLaDOS appears to become sentient and godlike, requiring an employee to sit by a red phone on a desk in GLaDOS chamber's entrance hall.

In 1997, GLaDOS' version is 3.11

In May 200-, the untested AI of GLaDOS is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities on Aperture's first annual bring-your-daughter-to-work day. Upon being activated, she almost instantly becomes self-aware, takes control of the facility, locks everyone inside, floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, but is partially halted when she is quickly fitted with a Morality Core. She then begins a permanent cycle of testing, aimed at beating Black Mesa in the race to develop functioning portal technology. However a few days later, on May 16, the Black Mesa Incident occurs at the Black Mesa Research Facility, allowing aliens to teleport from Xen to Earth, eventually leading to the Combine invasion, stopping GLaDOS' race against Black Mesa.

Monday 7 January 2013

Arch Types

Jack (Bioshock)
- Strong
- Brave
- Willing
- Smart
- Quiet

Master Chief (Halo)
- Strong
- Brave
- Willing
- Smart
- Determination

Cyber Demon (Doom 3)
- Strong
- Powerful
- Summoner
- Controller
- Evil

Diablo (Diablo)
- Powerful
- Summoner
- Controller
- Evil
- Dark
- Prime Evil
- Convincing
- Promising

Dr. Neil Watts (To The Moon)
- Funny
- Sarcastic
- Smart
- Cunning
- Dertermination
- Talkative

Wheatley (Portal 2)
- Funny
- Dumb
- Silly
- Fun
- Crazy
- Two faced

Jan Ors (Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast)
- Nice
- Smart
- Flirty
- Kind
- Serious

Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4)
- Stupid
- Tyically teenager
- Annoying
- Useless
- Chatty

Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Uncharted)
- Funny
- Smart
- Helpful
- Tricky

Atlas (Bioshock)
- Cunning
- Witty
- Strong
- Smart
- Two faced
- Convincing
- Kind
- Caring

Frank Fontaine "Atlas" (Bioshock)
- Cunning
- Witty
- Strong
- Smart
- Two faced
- Agressive
- Powerful

GLaDOS (Portal)
- Lier
- Sarcastic
- Witty
- Smart
- Reverse psychology
- Promiser

Saturday 5 January 2013

Research Task 2

In this project, 'Characters', we have been given the theme of recycling to use that we are then going to incorporate into our characters throughout the weeks. In this task, I have been asked to reference a film, literature, illustration, Artist or a designer, game and an animation that uses features of recycling/junk in it. 


Most films that use the theme of recycling are based around the theme of the world coming to an end, a post Apocalypse era, even though that these are the main types of films that show that, it does show what you can make from recycling certain materials and what unique things that can be made.

Mad Max
One of the most recognizable films to use the theme of recycling has to the be the "Mad Max" Series. Throughout the films you start to see the beginning of the apocalypse  and each film get more and more into to the recycling theme. I the films they start really using anything they can to use on their bodies to protect them selves, some of the stuff ranges from american football gear to just scraps of leather to cover certain areas. 
Another use in this film that uses the theme of recycling is they way that they use to build their castles and their vehicles  The vehicles are made from anything that they can make it deference and make it look mean this would be made from pipes, wires, tubing and so on, anything that could be recycled and used again.

Book Of Eli
Another film that also used the recycling genre and is once again a post apocalyptic era is the film called "The Book Of Eli" all though it does have some of the same aspects as in the film as mad max the main thing that is shown in this film is the way that certain items are used, since the world has become corrupted the value of money is nothing, so when they have the chance the people take unwanted items to shops and trade them for other items and I think this is a good example of recycle and really shows the value of certain items in the world that we think of nothing but then this film really starts to put a value to these items we once thought of as useless.


One good example of recycling in a game is from the game of fall out, on this bases the game is quite a lot like the film of mad max, as in the use that they will recycle anything that they can just to make themselves more defensive and more powerful. This recycling theme has also been used to make buildings more defensive by boarding up windows and barading the front of places.
Warhammer 40K
Now this game is quite different from the others and isnt quite a post apocoliptic game as in the sense the game is more about nations fighting one another to gain supreme command over one another but one of the main things that I noticed in this game is the way that the orcs a represents in this game, if you look at the orc characters you can see that anything that they have is recycled from scrap metal, one of the best examples of recycling is the towers that are used by the orcs, they have been completely made from scrap metal that has just been thrown on and nailed down, and this showns that if it can be nailed then it will do technique and I think this is a really good idea to show the nature of these orcs.


The Maker
It was quite difficult to find anything on the recycling of materials for an animation but I did think of the idea of the short animation called "The Maker". It is where a strange rabbit like creature has to make a repuclar of himself using the resources that are provided, and I think this fitted in quite well because the character uses different materials to build another one, which consists of cloth, wool, clay and one of the weirdest items used teeth. But the main reason that I choose this is because at the very end of the animation when the character turns it dust, all his parts are returned to where they were and will be used again by a another creature and this is where the theme of the recycling come into the stop animation.

Recycling Animation
Another recycling animation, is this one, where a person starts to change the forms of items such as pens and clay, this gives a nice in site into how thing can be recycled and what they can be recycled into, the good point in this short stop animation is that is shows what they can be used for, such as a recycled pen and be used to draw a building which could be contructed, and this really gets across to the viewer that anything can make something and really shows the true highlights of what recycling can actually do for the planet.


Derek Gores
This artist has attract world wide attention for the art work that he had produced in college and when you see it you understand why, one of his best piece was number 07 this is because of the way that he used simple pieces of newspapers and magazines to create such a details piece, and you can really notice the detail in everything, the way that the head light had its texture, and the extraordinary detail in the engine of the chopper, every little detail stands out. 
Another great piece is number 09, just because of the detail he has put into the face of the child, but not only the face of the child but also the detail that is obtained with the bubbles, and you think to yourself that this artist has really shown the true meaning of recycling and what potentials are out there for it. Not only that, but he has cut out certain works such as "Sweet", "Love" and "Sparkle" and has placed them around the childs head to show the true nature of a child.

Zac Freeman
Now this artist has taken a completely different approcach to the way that he has created his art with recycling and this is what really makes me really appeal to his, you have your average little bits and pieces that our throw away such as buttons, bottle caps, odd pieces of lego, but this man decided not to do that and created art out of these little pieces that we would call junk and from this he has created the most fantastic pieces of art, the thing that I really like about this artist is unlike others he has tried to keep the colour of the items to what they oringinal were, and not paint them to what he liked unless he needed to, and from just keeping the colour of the items the way they originally were he can create vast amounts of detail in the faces of his subjects, and just by looking at it you think what kind of art you could have created if you kept these little bits and pieces.


One other thing that is really starting to make a change in the fashion industry is the use of recycling materials, and this sort of thing has started to it off big, and has spread around colleges, even Priestley college where you can see one dress made completely out of recycled soda cans. Although you don't see it round the streets as drastic as you see it on the cat walk there's no saying whether this type of fashion will actually hit the high streets but because of the economy and the threat of global warming, there is no reason to say that it will never happen.