Sunday 13 January 2013

My Character

Name: Unique Artificial Intelligence 

Alias: Uni

Age: 7 years (Time of development, wasnt finished)

Height: -

Weight: -

Sex: Male

Race: Robot (Unique A.I)

Eye Colour: Black Optic (Camera Lens)

Hair Colour: None (Doesnt have hair)

Eye wear: Camera lens and Shutter lens

Nationality: Earth

Skin Colour: Rusty metal/metal, but as he progress he becomes cleaner as he using other parts that he finds around the world to repair himself and things that stop him from rusting.

Shape Of Face: Circular 

Clothing: Metal/None, wears a blue bag on his back.


Habits: Always helps out when he can, curious of new things.

Health: Young but unfinished, this caused him to have an unfinished arm and head, also cause wires to be on display.

Hobbies: Reading, playing and exploring.

Saying: None, since he was unfinished he doesn't have a voice box.

Voice: None, his voice box wasn't made before the creator death.

Walking Style: Walks quite smoothly because he has a wheel, but this wheel can go flat causeing him to move slower.

Disabilities: Unfinished, so has quite a few. One of the main disabilities is that he has hiccups with his movement when his tyre, and would also cause my character to walk at a slower pace. 

Cannot speak since his voice box wasn't develop before the creator died. This only gives him the ability to contact through gestures.

Character's Greatest Flaw: Doesn't understand his meaning in life

Character's Best Quality: Very curious, and this will help him on his jounery to discovery and knowing the truth.

Social Characteristics

Hometown: Moscow

Current Residnece: No currect since he is travelling the world to find the truth of what happened to his master and what happened to the world.

Occupation: Truth Seeker

Income: None

Talents/Skills: Unreal knownlege.

Family Status: Has no family, except for his creator

Character as Child: The character as a child was very unbuilt, and require a lot of building but as a small creation his master told him of stories of unexplored worlds, and things beyond dreams.

Character as Adult: Has gained even more knowlege over the years.

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: He was taught by his creator, and as he progresses throughout the world he starts to learn more and more, from books, usb's, disks anything that he can gain access from.

Intelligence Level: Infinity

Goals: To find out what happened to his master and to find out what happened to earth and to fix it back to the way it was.

Self-esteem: Moderate

Confidence: Moderate

Emtional State: Moderate

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert 

Motivation: The death of his creator and the distruction of the world that he lives in.

Fear: That he will never discover his true meaning in life

Happiness: High

Relationships: His creator died while contrusting him, this was cause by the damaged that was cause to his body by the malfunction machinces on the streets of the earth and his lung was damaged by the poision gases released, this lead to the unfinished building of his body.

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: Hero

Evironment: A destroyed earth


2057 - Professor starts the business called "FISKITE". The business specifically in makes mediences for the treatment of all, animals and humans.

2063 - "FISKITE" starts to work in the development of robots, to make the daily human life easier, by doing all the essiancals such cooks and cleaning. Later develops will start to take control of human workings.

2065 - "FISKITE" are secretly employed by the Russia's Secret Revolution (RSR) to create robots for wars to take down the government. 

2067 - Later development of robots to take over human jobs sparks outrage with the human race causing unemployment and lose of homes. This causes attacks on "FISKITE" which end with the destruction of the buildings.

2071 - "RSR" release robots to over take government but the Russia's Human Liberation Army (RHLA) has already start and this causes a 3 way war 

2072 - "RSR" are mass produced and sold throughout the world as protection and revolutionary warfare.

2073 - Further revolutions take place throughout the world.

2077 - Robots start to learn by themselves and soon learn that they do not need to take orders and have a better survivability and firepower than the humans creating even more of a disruption throughout Russia and the world.

2080 - The earth to collapse and machines start to take over.

2080 - Machines start to kill off human race.

2080 - The Creator, also the head of "FISKITE" and the makers of the "RSR" Robot, starts to create Uni as the last hope for earth and its survivors.

2081 - Uni becomes activated and creator starts to teach uni everything he knows.

2082 - Creator disappears for a few days and comes back with server wounds, a few hours later he dies. Uni morns his creators death.

2082 - Uni starts his journey.

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