Tuesday 8 January 2013

Trickster - GLaDOS

Name: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

Alias: GLaDOS

Age: 1986 - Development Start
         to Current Day

Height: -

Weight: -

Sex: Feminine programming

Race: AI Robot

Eye Colour: Yellow Optic

Hair Colour: No hair

Eye wear: Optical Lens

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: White and Black

Shape Of Face: 1/4 from Dougnut

Clothing: Metal

Mannerisms: Doesnt move like a normal robot, has more a muscle like movement.

Habits: Cleanliness

Health: Immortal
Hobbies: Testing subjects, creating new test arenas, killing test subjects, experiments

Saying: "We're a lot alike, you and I. You tested me. I tested you. You killed me. I—oh, no, wait. I guess I haven't killed you yet. Well. Food for thought."

"But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."

"Finish these tests, and you will be baked. And there will be cake."

Voice: Soft but serious. Electronical. Feminine.

Walking Style: Doesnt walk.

Disabilities: Cannot walk.

Character's Greatest Flaw: Unable to move because its attached to the ceiling 

Character's Best Quality: The roll of God within Aperture Science

Social Characteristics

Hometown: Michigan

Current Residnece: Michigan

Occupation: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. To test.

Income: Satifisfaction is all that is needed

Talents/Skills: Testing, Killing, Building

Family Status: Has no family, creator unknown

Character as Child: Had no childhood

Character as Adult: Supieriour testing machine

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Testing (Programmed into her)

Intelligence Level: Unknown but very high

Goals: Complete testing and beat Black Mesa in the race to create portals

Self-esteem: High Self-esteem

Confidence: Over confidence

Emtional State: No emotion

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert 

Motivation: Achieving her goal in the race to build portals, and finishing testing

Fear: That wheatly will destroy her testing facility

Happiness: Only when testing is complete

Relationships: ATLAS and P-Body, perminant test subjects

Spiritual Characteristics

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: Trickster

Evironment: Clean testing facility

Timeline: In 1986, word reaches Aperture Science management that Black Mesa is working on a similar portal technology. In response to this news, Aperture Science begins developing GLaDOS.

In 1996, after a decade spent bringing the Disk Operating System parts of GLaDOS to a state of more or less basic functionality, work begins on the Genetic Lifeform component. During that time, the Aperture Science Red Phone plan is implemented in case GLaDOS appears to become sentient and godlike, requiring an employee to sit by a red phone on a desk in GLaDOS chamber's entrance hall.

In 1997, GLaDOS' version is 3.11

In May 200-, the untested AI of GLaDOS is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities on Aperture's first annual bring-your-daughter-to-work day. Upon being activated, she almost instantly becomes self-aware, takes control of the facility, locks everyone inside, floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, but is partially halted when she is quickly fitted with a Morality Core. She then begins a permanent cycle of testing, aimed at beating Black Mesa in the race to develop functioning portal technology. However a few days later, on May 16, the Black Mesa Incident occurs at the Black Mesa Research Facility, allowing aliens to teleport from Xen to Earth, eventually leading to the Combine invasion, stopping GLaDOS' race against Black Mesa.

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