Sunday 24 February 2013


Character Design Evaluation

In this project we were given the task of creating a character but not our own, by this I mean we were restricted to draw a character that was a robot/scrap. The reason this was done was to start to put pressure on us and let us know that we would not be in control of what we would do in the industry.

Overall I think that this project has gone a lot smooth than the previous projects that I have done and this is because I felt that I had a lot more control in this projected compared to others that I have done, and this was the project that I have most look forward too. The only thing that I feel like was a little bit of a downside to this project was the fact that we were told what we had to do, but this is understandable since I will not b creating my own character in the industry and I will be told to do a certain thing, even if I do or do not like what is given.

One thing that I think that I have improved on quite a bit in this project is my drawing, this is because most of this project was drawing based rather than computer and because of this it gave me the opportunity to improve my drawing in which it did. Overall my character did come out better then I suspected and this was because of the constant drawing that was done all the way throughout the project.

One thing that I still struggle on a bit is the colouring this is because I really don't find it to be a strong point and I don't feel it to be right to add colour to my work, I personally think that adding any colour would destroy the work that I have done and will make it go from looking good to look awful, and this is why I tend to shy away from the colour aspect, but I think that the same effect can still be used through the technique of shading.

If I could do the project again I think that I would but more effect into my work and think more into my character design, and by this I mean by gathering and researching more into the characters that people have already created out there, known or not known. This would have given me a wider range of ideas that I could have put together to get a very different character outcome. One this that I would like to have was the chance to make our own character, being of any design rather than being restricted to making a scrap character.

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