Thursday 28 February 2013

Fairy tale

I think that this would be a good educational game, this is because it teaches children not to trust strangers, and by this is shown through the witch taking in the children and tricking them, but the story also contains many other meanings help within, such as food, as a young child eating is very important to their everyday life and can be the object of many hidden fears within the child, and showing the story of these two young children doing what ever they can to survive and get the food they need.

One of the biggest things that shows a fear of a child in this story is the fear of a child getting abandoned by their parents, and even though that Hansel and Gretel get separated from their parents they stay strong and stick by each other till the end, and eventually get reunited with their parents. I think this is good to put into an educational game because as we all know children tend to wonder off on their own sometimes and then get all confused and start to panic while this story teach children that if they keep calm and stay brave then eventually they will be reunited with their parents.

And one of the last ones that is with this story that can be transferred across to the children is the reward of when its all over, this teaches that if a child is good and doesn't making a big fuss over something then they shall be rewarded.

Despite the many dangers and threats that are within the story, most children enjoy the thrill of the story of Hansel and Gretel because it offers a hopeful message that being brave and keeping strong will overcome any adversary that come into there path.
The story of Hansel and Gretel is from German authors The Brothers Grimms and was published in 1812. The story is of two young child called Hansel (Male) and Gretel (Female) who are brother and sister, and they’re family is struggling through life because they are extremely poor and the only food they can afford is bread, so the mother demands that the children be sent away to the woods, making sure that they cannot find there way back, they do this so that they have that little more food. As the brother
and sister go look for Food they come across a house made of gingerbread amd sweets. Within this house lives an old which, she takes the children in and then locks Hansel in a cage and start feeding him to plump him up and then eat him but Gretel tricks the witch and then kicks her into the over which then burns her alive, they then return to their parents with the food from the witches house.


The story of Robin Hood is a very famous story that has traveled throughout the world and has cause many movies of the story in their own adaptation. The story follows the life of a outlaw who goes by the name of "Robin Hood". Robin is a many of many morals, he steals from the rich and gives to the poor, stealing from them who care nothing or no one but themselves, and giving it to the more needy people who have nothing, not even a single penny to by the simplest of food, the story follows the basic line of Robin who is in love with Maid Marian, but there love can never be true because of Prince John hate Robin and wanting him to be killed, but in the end Robin can finally have his true love and Prince John loses his reign as ruler of England, as he tragically dies.

The meaning that I see in this story (whether or not it is the true meaning of the story) is that in the end the bad people, who think that they can play the role of God and decide what people can and cant do, will be punished by their own doing. I think that this is a extremely good thing that can be put into a game, this is because as children, they are bound to be picking on one another and children don't know what to do when they are put into that situation, but this story tell the child that, even though this is happening, something else will happen to that bad child, this will also be a good thing to put forward now as this (Once again) will happen throughout life of the child.

I think that Robin Hood will make a good educational game because, first of its one of the most popular fairy tales around for young children aged between 3 to 8, this is because it has a very bright atmosphere and there's always something that keeps the child interested and this would be a good point to take into our game if this become the chosen idea.

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