Friday 28 September 2012

Dead Space - Plasma Cutter

Dead space - Plasma Cutter

This is the plasma cutter from the game Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Dead Space Phone... this is the gun that you start off with in both games, but you in both games you dont start off with the plasma cutter, you have to get through creatures to get to the plasma cutter before you can start fighting and only fighting in the console games but in the phone version of the game you have to use the plasma cutter to destroy electrical boxes to open the door and progress to the next room or level.
This image of the plasma cutter is in a 2D form because this is only the concept art for the game and not the in game item. The item is drawn in a comic style, with shading and reflection to give it a more relistic effect even though it is draw out as concept art .
I think that this item fits into the game, because the story of the game is that you are an engerineer going to a spaceship to make sure everything is okay, but then you find out that everyone of the crew is dead / has been kill, so your only weapon that an engenieer has in the future is a plasma cutter, so it fits in well with his role and it also fits in well because hes unexpecting what happened to the crew.
I dont think I would improve this item because I think it fits the game desgin really well and you have the opitunity to upgrade your weapon aswell.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Unit 5 Inventory Task (Diablo 3)

Diablo 3:

In Diablo 3 the inventory is presented in a shape form, this is where each item has a set shape or takes up a certain amount of slots (E.g a sword would take up two slots while a gem would only take up one). This means that the player has to be tactical on what they want/need to carry to improve their character and their battle play, having the essical equipment could be the difference between life and death. Although you are limited to the amount of space in your inventory, this is then made up in your bank where you have a bigger space and have the opportunity to expand your bank slots further giving you the chance to hold more items that you find are need for you player at later levels.

The inventory is menu based in Diablo 3. Within this inventory you can see a verity of things such as all the items that you are holding at that moment in time, the items that you have equipped (And by hovering over certain items you can see the stats of them, and your inventory will also compared the equipment you are wearing to the ones that you are not, showing you weather the items equipped or not is better).

Within the inventory the items are the ones that are being controlled. You have the chance to place items where you want in your inventory and with particular one, you need to try and place certain items in certain place to make sure you can get the full use of your bag instead of having lots of empty one block slots, where this could be avoided and giving you more room to carry items. As in most inventory's in game you have the ability to look at how much money you are carrying. Within this game you have a friendly approach with the inventory where you can drop an items on the floor and it then you have the choice of picking it back up once you have sorted out spaces or if you want to help your fellow team out, then the item will appear for them and then they can pick it up.

The inventory in Diablo 3 can be accessed in two ways, one way being that you use a hotkey to bring it up which can be change to any key that you wish to set it to or you can use the button on the bottom of the screen beside the health bar. No matter whether you are playing online or offline with Diablo 3 the game will not pause when you bring up the inventory, this is to give you the full game experience and stop you from pausing the game and then changing your weapons due to their stats or abilities against certain monsters.

I think the inventory does suit the game play, this is because the game sticks very well to the theory of having to carry items of different shapes around in your bag, and that you have to discard other items that you want for the better items or items that are more well needed for situation. I think it suit the game because of the non-pause effect when you bring up the menu, this puts the player in a more survival approach of the game and gives it a more real time effect just as in real life, it makes the game slightly more of a challenge.

I like the menu because of the shape system, I think this kind of inventory would do really well in a survival game where you have to make particular sacrifices and pick the items which you think will come in handy in your time of need and which will be more useful compared to other things. Also to add to the survival pattern, the non-pause system add that extra effect to the survival mode. I think the menu is really easy to gain the hang of because of the two ways that you are able to access it, one through the hot key and a inventory button that can be found at the bottom of your screen while you are playing the game, this give the player two options, being able to access your inventory fast and easily is vital to your survival in the game. One thing I really do like about this inventory is the ability to compare items that you have already equiped to the items that you have acquired along your journey, this is a good idea because it saves time that you could be playing to progress you players powers and ability instead of going back and fourth checking is that item is stronger then the one that you have already equipped.

Unit 5 Inventory Task (Guildwars 2)

Guildwars 2:

This is an example of a limited based inventory design, where each slot in your inventory could hold any size item and it would only take up one block (E.g a sword would take up the same amount of space as carrot), this gave you a lot of space to hold all your crafting items, weapons and special items. Also with this inventory you have the opportunity to expand your inventory further with items that you can gain from completing certain quests or from crafting a bag or a box, which will expand our inventory by a certain amount of slots, some by a vast amount some by a very small amount.

The inventory is menu based. You have two types of inventories within Guildwars 2, one where you can see all the items that you have gathered along your journey along side the weapons and armours that you can equip to your character. It also has a second inventory which lets you see what items that you have already equipped onto your character and the items that you can equip to your player now or at a future level, it also shows you your character attributes, name and level. It also has a side bar which lets you access a lot of other important information, such a small tasks that you can complete throughout the game, skill points, crafting level and items that you have learnt etc.

The inventroy is controlled with item where you can sort out where you would like to place certain items and you have the ability to deposit certain items to a special crafting bank, which helps you clean out your bag and give you more room to place items that are needed more. It also gives you a chance to look at your character and the items that they are wearing and how they have an effect on your characters attributes. It is also has a skill attribute to where you can spend skill points to make your character stronger along side tributes which also has the same effect.

Both inventories are accessed through hot keys to which you can change if you want to. One brings up the pocket menu which shows every item that you have acquired along your journey/adventure in Guildwars 2 and the other brings up the player menu which shows all the important stuff such as attributes, damaged items and so on. Neither one will pause the game due to that fact that you are playing with a vast amount of other players online (MMO) so its impossible to stop the whole game. Instead, the game will continue to run in the background, this gives the the disadvantage of getting attacked while you are changing your items or sorting out your skills, but also gives you the advantage of keeping an eye out for on going events. You are also able to move around while you have your inventory open which gives you the ability to get to a certain destination and sort out your items and character at the same time.

The inventory suits the game play because you can store everything you need to progress in the game within such a small space and the games inventory hasn't been ruined by weight or shape of items, such as weapons, armor and other bits-and-bobs. It's easy to access and get up, giving the advantage of planning ahead and sorting it out, making sure you know where everything is, so that you can access it quick and easily while trying to proceed to a certain point at the same time. It's also good because it gives you all the information that it vital to your succession in the game, thanks to it showing your attributes, current armour and weapons that are equipped and more.

I like this inventory because, it's very easy to access and get a hold of, you can understand everything easily, since they are put into simple form that anyone can understand and get use to, and by putting all the things that you are acquired to know into one spot makes it much easier to find things then starting to learn what each button on your keyboard does compared to just pressing a singular key. It gives you many different ways to interact with the game and have the better advantage by planning ahead of time and also to get to near by events while sorting everything that needs to be sorted in your inventory. I also like the slots idea, where you can continually expand it to the size you want (to reason) giving you more time to stay in the battlefield do what you want for longer and gather a lot more items then you could do at the very beginning of the game. It also doesn't have the weight or shape restricting which would hold you back a lot in the game, since this would restrict you going back an fourth constantly to shops selling equipment, which would waste too much time during the process where you could be doing something you really want to do.

Unit 5 Invertory Task (Stronghold Crusader)

Stronghold Crusader:

In this game the inventory is always at the bottom of the screen which means that you have the ability to always be able to change the design or layout of your castle, and other tabs at the bottom will lead to other items/buildings that you can use during the game play, such a houses that increase the population of your castle and farms that help keep everyone in your castle happy, making sure they don't leave. The inventory is an unlimited and limited. Unlimited because you are always able to build stuff you need and where you want, and this gives you the advantage of expanding you castle making it bigger and better. But it's also limited because you need the resources to build anything such as stone and wood which you can gain from building a woodcutter and a stone mason. is a very simple yet effective menu this is because its very easy to interact with and its also very easy to learn and get a hold of, which means you know what you are doing very early in the game, everything you need to make your castle better is all found at the bottom of the menu, where different buildings are stored in different sections (Show as shields with different logo's on them). To gain access to other inventory such as the menu where you can control your army, left click and select the group of soldiers that you want and once you release the left mouse button it gives you the inventory where you have a verity of options such as patrolling and disbanding your units.

You control buildings and soldiers within the menu. Buildings are found in the main menu which is at the bottom, and within these menus that are show as shields with different symbols on them, we can find certain buildings, such as industry which includes woodcutter and stone masons, to vegetation which includes cheese farms and apple farm, to the castle buildings itself which include wall sections, towers, gates and so on. Then you can access soldiers when you have the available equipment to build them placed in armory and then you have another menu which is training camp where you can train your men to be certain type of troops such as knights or horse men. You then have the ability to control your men once they have been trained, and with this menu it gives you the status of your mens health, shown through only a coloured health bar, how man men you have selected with a certain area and if you click certain equipment then you can access their special ability which you have to work manually in another menu.

With this inventory it is always on the screen. This is giving easy and fast control of your castle, making sure that you have enough time to select what you want and be able to build it quick enough and it since its not a freeze screen inventory, but a consistently running inventory you can keep and eye on the battlefield at all times, giving you the upper hand advantage against the enemy. This is really easy to understand and get the hang of, giving you the opportunity to get into the game fast instead of fussing around trying to find out what keys do what and not giving you enough time to find those all important special buttons to get you to where you want. Although you need to gain access to a different inventory to select and create your men this gives you a more tactical game, but these inventory's can be easily accessed by click on a certain build and creating them quickly.

I think the inventory really does suit the game play because its gives you really easy access during the playing of the game which are easy to gain the hang of and easy to pick up giving you the advantage of getting into the game really quickly and being able to do what you really want to do (Playing the game) instead of messing around for hours trying to finger out what is where and instead of pressing a button repetitively to gain access to an inventory. With this inventory it gives you the ability to also keep an eye on the battlefield at all time, making sure that everything is prepared and that you are ready for anything that's coming to attack you at any given time. I also like how the soldiers have there own separate inventory where you can control certain men and gain access to their special abilities.

I really like this inventory because it was very simple and very easy to pick up which meant I got into the game really fast and knew what I was doing and I knew where everything was. It also gave you the ability to keep an eye of the battlefield at all time, giving you the advantage of knowing what to build and where you want to build it.