Wednesday 12 September 2012

Unit 5 Inventory Task (Diablo 3)

Diablo 3:

In Diablo 3 the inventory is presented in a shape form, this is where each item has a set shape or takes up a certain amount of slots (E.g a sword would take up two slots while a gem would only take up one). This means that the player has to be tactical on what they want/need to carry to improve their character and their battle play, having the essical equipment could be the difference between life and death. Although you are limited to the amount of space in your inventory, this is then made up in your bank where you have a bigger space and have the opportunity to expand your bank slots further giving you the chance to hold more items that you find are need for you player at later levels.

The inventory is menu based in Diablo 3. Within this inventory you can see a verity of things such as all the items that you are holding at that moment in time, the items that you have equipped (And by hovering over certain items you can see the stats of them, and your inventory will also compared the equipment you are wearing to the ones that you are not, showing you weather the items equipped or not is better).

Within the inventory the items are the ones that are being controlled. You have the chance to place items where you want in your inventory and with particular one, you need to try and place certain items in certain place to make sure you can get the full use of your bag instead of having lots of empty one block slots, where this could be avoided and giving you more room to carry items. As in most inventory's in game you have the ability to look at how much money you are carrying. Within this game you have a friendly approach with the inventory where you can drop an items on the floor and it then you have the choice of picking it back up once you have sorted out spaces or if you want to help your fellow team out, then the item will appear for them and then they can pick it up.

The inventory in Diablo 3 can be accessed in two ways, one way being that you use a hotkey to bring it up which can be change to any key that you wish to set it to or you can use the button on the bottom of the screen beside the health bar. No matter whether you are playing online or offline with Diablo 3 the game will not pause when you bring up the inventory, this is to give you the full game experience and stop you from pausing the game and then changing your weapons due to their stats or abilities against certain monsters.

I think the inventory does suit the game play, this is because the game sticks very well to the theory of having to carry items of different shapes around in your bag, and that you have to discard other items that you want for the better items or items that are more well needed for situation. I think it suit the game because of the non-pause effect when you bring up the menu, this puts the player in a more survival approach of the game and gives it a more real time effect just as in real life, it makes the game slightly more of a challenge.

I like the menu because of the shape system, I think this kind of inventory would do really well in a survival game where you have to make particular sacrifices and pick the items which you think will come in handy in your time of need and which will be more useful compared to other things. Also to add to the survival pattern, the non-pause system add that extra effect to the survival mode. I think the menu is really easy to gain the hang of because of the two ways that you are able to access it, one through the hot key and a inventory button that can be found at the bottom of your screen while you are playing the game, this give the player two options, being able to access your inventory fast and easily is vital to your survival in the game. One thing I really do like about this inventory is the ability to compare items that you have already equiped to the items that you have acquired along your journey, this is a good idea because it saves time that you could be playing to progress you players powers and ability instead of going back and fourth checking is that item is stronger then the one that you have already equipped.

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