Wednesday 12 September 2012

Unit 5 Invertory Task (Stronghold Crusader)

Stronghold Crusader:

In this game the inventory is always at the bottom of the screen which means that you have the ability to always be able to change the design or layout of your castle, and other tabs at the bottom will lead to other items/buildings that you can use during the game play, such a houses that increase the population of your castle and farms that help keep everyone in your castle happy, making sure they don't leave. The inventory is an unlimited and limited. Unlimited because you are always able to build stuff you need and where you want, and this gives you the advantage of expanding you castle making it bigger and better. But it's also limited because you need the resources to build anything such as stone and wood which you can gain from building a woodcutter and a stone mason. is a very simple yet effective menu this is because its very easy to interact with and its also very easy to learn and get a hold of, which means you know what you are doing very early in the game, everything you need to make your castle better is all found at the bottom of the menu, where different buildings are stored in different sections (Show as shields with different logo's on them). To gain access to other inventory such as the menu where you can control your army, left click and select the group of soldiers that you want and once you release the left mouse button it gives you the inventory where you have a verity of options such as patrolling and disbanding your units.

You control buildings and soldiers within the menu. Buildings are found in the main menu which is at the bottom, and within these menus that are show as shields with different symbols on them, we can find certain buildings, such as industry which includes woodcutter and stone masons, to vegetation which includes cheese farms and apple farm, to the castle buildings itself which include wall sections, towers, gates and so on. Then you can access soldiers when you have the available equipment to build them placed in armory and then you have another menu which is training camp where you can train your men to be certain type of troops such as knights or horse men. You then have the ability to control your men once they have been trained, and with this menu it gives you the status of your mens health, shown through only a coloured health bar, how man men you have selected with a certain area and if you click certain equipment then you can access their special ability which you have to work manually in another menu.

With this inventory it is always on the screen. This is giving easy and fast control of your castle, making sure that you have enough time to select what you want and be able to build it quick enough and it since its not a freeze screen inventory, but a consistently running inventory you can keep and eye on the battlefield at all times, giving you the upper hand advantage against the enemy. This is really easy to understand and get the hang of, giving you the opportunity to get into the game fast instead of fussing around trying to find out what keys do what and not giving you enough time to find those all important special buttons to get you to where you want. Although you need to gain access to a different inventory to select and create your men this gives you a more tactical game, but these inventory's can be easily accessed by click on a certain build and creating them quickly.

I think the inventory really does suit the game play because its gives you really easy access during the playing of the game which are easy to gain the hang of and easy to pick up giving you the advantage of getting into the game really quickly and being able to do what you really want to do (Playing the game) instead of messing around for hours trying to finger out what is where and instead of pressing a button repetitively to gain access to an inventory. With this inventory it gives you the ability to also keep an eye on the battlefield at all time, making sure that everything is prepared and that you are ready for anything that's coming to attack you at any given time. I also like how the soldiers have there own separate inventory where you can control certain men and gain access to their special abilities.

I really like this inventory because it was very simple and very easy to pick up which meant I got into the game really fast and knew what I was doing and I knew where everything was. It also gave you the ability to keep an eye of the battlefield at all time, giving you the advantage of knowing what to build and where you want to build it.

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